Webinar: South African Renewable Energy Grid Survey Result Presentation By Eskom (6 June 2023)

The South African Renewable Energy Grid Survey was conducted during Q1 of 2023 with the aim of collecting data on current and future renewable energy projects being developed in South Africa. The survey, which is a collaboration between Eskom, SAWEA and SAPVIA, is a type of market intelligence which illustrates the growth expected in the Renewable energy industry over the next 5 years and can thus inform Eskom’s grid planning process. The key insights from the survey include the status of projects, potential timeline for completion, location and interest based on connection point. With headline figures of a projected installed capacity of 21 GW of pure wind plants, 7.5GW of wind + battery storage and 2.6GW of combined wind + PV by 2028, it is clear that the future looks bright for wind energy in the South African context. SA Renewable Energy Grid Survey results presentation – Wind Only [PDF] The recording can be downloaded here.