SANEDI Financial Year End 2023/2024 Annual Report
Portfolio Committee Electricity and Energy (PCEE) 16 October 2024
National Nuclear Regulator - Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy
Annual Report 2023/2024
NECSA Group Presentation - Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy
Integrated Annual Report Financial Year 2023/2024
NERSA Presentation at the Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy (PCEE)
Integrated Annual Report Financial Year 2023/2024
Recognition of Alternative Means of Compliance or AMoC
SAWEA’s application for Recognition of Alternative Means of Compliance or AMoC has been approved by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on 18 January 2024. Please note that all other applicable provisions of CARS and SA-CATS must still be complied with though feel free to utilize the attached letter in your application letters to CAA. Most notably, please also refer to condition 5 and relevant sub-points for additional requirements for any particular wind farm patterning blades for further approval by SA CAA subsequent to implementation. Should you have any further queries, please reach out to the SAWEA secretariat or
Impact of Climate Change on Wind Energy Production - First Draft
Published 26 July 2023
The Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) has paved the way for the adoption of renewable energy including wind energy to form a base of power in SA.
Industry Position on Fast Tracking NEMA Approvals
Published 05 July 2023
The South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) and the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) Joint Environmental Working Group recognises the importance of the country's environmental regulations in safeguarding people and the environment.
Operation Vulindlela
Published 1 June 2023
Since the establishment of Operation Vulindlela in October 2020, government has made meaningful strides in implementing structural reforms to stabilise South Africa’s energy supply, establish a competitive logistics network, reduce the cost and improve the quality of digital communications and reform the visa regime to enable businesses to attract the skills they need to grow, and to make it easier for tourists to experience a world-class African destination.
2024 Large-Scale Renewable Energy Market Intelligence Report
06 May 2023
This market intelligence report is written for foreign and local investors looking to invest directly in the South African renewable energy market. It highlights opportunities in the public and private large-scale renewable energy market in South Africa.
Signing if First Project Agreement Under the 5th Bid Window of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme (REIPPPP BID WINDOW 5)
Published 23 September 2022
The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mr Gwede Mantashe (MP), is pleased to announce the first three projects to sign project agreements under the 5th Bid Window of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP Bid Window 5) on Thursday, 22 September 2022.
RFP BW6 Amendment
Published 08 September 2022
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy ("the Department") hereby provides notice of the following amendments to the Request for Proposals issued on 6 April 2022 under the REIPPPP Bid Window 6.
Procurement Corner: IPPPP Procurement Updates
Published 04 August 2022
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (The DMRE) announces the postponement of the Bid Submission Date for the Battery Energy Storage Capacity IPP Procurement Programme (BESIPPPP) issued on 7 March 2023
South African Renewable Energy Masterplan
Published 23 June 2022
Economic dynamics have seen renewable energy costs drop significantly (-88% for solar PV and -68% for onshore wind between 2010 and 2021). In addition, public policies, primarily targeted at fast-tracking the decarbonisation of economies in the pursuit of climate change objectives, have further driven an exponential rollout of renewable energy technologies worldwide.