Work Readiness Programme

The Work Readiness Programme (WRP) serves as an intervention designed to enhance recruitment in the renewable energy industry and optimise the performance of interns engaged in the Wind Industry Internship Programme (WIIP). Its primary objective is to equip interns with essential skills, fostering a seamless integration into the professional work environment.

Recognising the significance of imparting foundational skills to interns who may not have acquired them prior to their WIIP placement, SAWEA emphasises the importance of these skills not only for the interns' immediate roles but also as valuable assets throughout various career levels. Proficiency in these skills is expected to positively impact interns throughout their professional journeys.

Moreover, the WRP strives to create a more favourable and rewarding experience for interns at their host (placement) companies. By ensuring interns possess these skills from the outset, the program aims to eliminate the need for on-the-job learning in potentially less accommodating work environments.